Club Christmas Party at Cambelltoen Steam Museum - November 2015
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Just for a change it was decided to hold the club’s Christmas Party in the evening at the
Campbelltown Steam Museum. The weather was cool and cloudy so no one suffered sunburn or got rained on. In fact it was a perfect day for a party.
The venue was quite intriguing! I hadn’t visited the museum for quite some time. So while the finishing touches for the evening’s festivities were being finalised there was time for me to have a walk around the grounds. I had heard that Paul Dove was in his “Pantech” shed sorting out some of his stuff while looking for lubricators for his Sentinel Steam Wagon.
On my search for Paul I came across some old relicts, steam traction engines, tractors, and a car chassis with engine etc. that had been abandoned where they had been parked without any possibility of them being restored. It was sad to see them just rusting away to nothing but they looked like they were at peace…
I did find Paul and chatted with him for about 15 to 20 minutes by which time the sun had decided to descend slowly behind the hills.
Back at the station where all the action was at full steam ahead, I paid my dues and waited patiently for the door to the kitchen servery to open. The kitchen which was a converted “red rattler” train carriage set up canteen style. Diners lined up from one end of the carriage, and moved through the carriage to the other end as the plate was loaded with food. This was all ably done by members of the Air League.
The ‘dining room’ was an undercover ‘carport style’ annex between the carriage and an adjoining shed. There were two rows of five tables, each with 8 settings including all the Christmas trimmings, bonbons etc. - a real festive scene.
The party was a combination of members from WSHTC and the Campbelltown Steam Machinery Club. And like most parties there was a lot of chit-chat, tall stories and true lies etc wrapped up into one big noise. Everyone enjoyed themselves !!
Between main course and dessert there were a few formalities…The drawing of the “lucky door” prize and awarding of the “Presidents Choice Awards”. Gerry Phillips won the second lucky door - a previously loved toy truck! resident’s Choice Awards were given to Emily Dove - “Cooking Award”, Bob Miller - “Breakdown Award”, Bruce Brown - “Rice Burner Award”, Trevor “SuperTrucker” Ellwood - “Noise Award”, and Mike Dodds - “Editors Award”. But those in the know and behind the awards scene deemed it necessary to give an award to Andy Nash, because he always had a phone attached to each ear…”Mr Havachat Award”.
Everyone enjoyed good food, camaraderie and a lot of fun. The evening was a great success!!